Wonder Woman progress pics

Making progress, feeling better about things.
I got my new Starfire boots and made the new covers for them and finished them up last night. Chase airbrushed my bodysuit and I made my armband. There’s not a lot left to do on Starfire – Chase is finishing up my collar, and painting that and the gauntlets… I just need to sew up the front of the bodysuit and attach the two pieces. I hope to have, at least my part of it, 100% done this weekend.

Wonder Woman – things are going. I’m not crazy about my bodice, but most of the things I’m not happy about will be covered up by the chestpiece/side decorations, so it’s not a big deal. I finished my skirt last night, except the gold designs on the bottom, which I’ll be doing tonight. Here’s a few pics.

The skirt

Skirt is mostly finished. Tonight I'll be doing the gold detail at the bottom.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Shield, shinguards and shoulder armor… they are done except getting a second coat of gold paint, I think? I think Chase is going to clear coat them after that.

My shield, shoulder armor and shinguards! Ready to go.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

The two eagles Chase sculpted cast for each side of the sword, along with my shoes in the back, there.

The resin eagles for my Wonder Woman sword, as well as my shoes! I bought the shoes online and painted them, and added the wings.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

And finally, just one shot of the mess my work area is:

The apartment era - 2007-2008. This was my sewing area in the kitchen when we lived there.

I try to straighten up/clean as much as possible, but trying to do so many projects at once in a smaller space than we’re used to is difficult!

I can’t believe Dragoncon is next week.

  • trebekah

    I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times (probably a few times from me) but holy crap you are seriously talented and you should win some sort of cash prize for being so frickin good at designing and making your costumes. I can barely sew a pillow 🙁

  • starfirephoenix

    Ooooh, the armour looks incredible! I can’t wait to see it all together 😉

  • penwiper337

    Oh, armor is PRETTY! All sparkly!

  • jellibean

    Oooh the armor is so pretty!!

  • hipsterdad

    You know, I was hoping to cross paths with you and Chase at D*C (which is admittedly pretty forward of me, since we rarely comment or know each other!), but it looks like we won’t be going. One thing I did want to make sure you knew, however, is that the Atlanta interstates are going to be even worse than usual inside the perimeter due to some mammoth construction on I-75 & I-85 which’ll have several lanes closed. Before y’all leave Tennessee, log onto georgianavigator.com and see whether you can take some alternate routes to the hotels and avoid the traffic crunch!

  • chastangela

    It’s all looking pretty amazing! I can’t wait to see the finished product! 😀

  • last_chael

    Wow! That is looking incredible! I totally look forward to seeing the finished product!

    I didn’t realise D*C was so soon! I thought there was another few weeks! Good luck getting everything done!

  • sakara75

    its looking amazing!
    hehe i know how you feel with workstation messyness.. i try to tidyup and then a project comes along and BAM its like an explosion of fabric!

  • mighty_iris

    I finally figured out which WW you were doing, lol!!! (Took me long enough, and you basically had to post most of the costume for me to get it, haha.) I just love that one, and thought about doing it myself. I cannot wait to see it in person!!! XD